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"You have already completely transformed me. Within 15 days of our first coaching session I was able to land an investment for $50,000."

Rising Entrepreneur, Boston


The Benefits of Coaching

Coaching has emerged over recent decades as a highly effective method for helping professionals and executives — and anyone in life transition — to excel and to perform.

The coach helps you to access greater perspective, insight, and motivation. The result is a higher level of functioning. In general, the coach serves as a sounding board and a collaborative guide, asking appropriate questions and helping you to access new capabilities.

Business research indicates that coaching is more effective than training alone. In one study training increased productivity by 22.4%, whereas coaching increased productivity by 88%. (Public Personnel Management Magazine, Winter 1997)

Anurad clients report advantages including:

  • Greater confidence.
  • More systematic means for achieving goals.
  • Greater ability to go with the flow
  • Meeting change with delight, not distress.
  • Greater decisiveness.
  • Fulfillment of goals and objectives beyond their dreams.

Real Life Stories

Back Into the Job Market. Ellen gave up her lucrative job as a saleswoman to make a life-style change and move to another part of the country. After a few months she decided to reclaim her former occupation. But the market had changed. She couldn't find a new job. She came to us. For over a year she had been both psychologically and financially shaken. We supported her progress through these difficult circumstances. Like many of our clients, Ellen is extremely intelligent, competent, energetic and motivated. She needed objective understanding of her circumstances and customized solutions. With careful analysis and coaching she landed a satisfactory, high-paying job and she is very happy.

Mastering New Rules in Telecommunications. A $500 million telecommunications company was unable to pay bills to their primary service provider. The service provider threatened to discontinue service within 30 days if $2,000,000 owed was not paid. The CEO of the company was in a state of shock. They functioned in 80 countries: this vendor was their mainstay since their inception.

Through several weeks of strategic and tactical coaching we developed a plan to save the company. This yielded the most favorable legal settlement ever attained from this vendor. Later, with the advantage of further coaching, the company went public. The key for this company was increased flexibility. They had to redefine their priorities and let go of old models of doing business. Then they had to adopt new, more effective models to fit the new challenges. The CEO was able to understand and embrace the new challenges, reap the benefits, and thrive.

Running for Office. Chris was a state senatorial candidate, uncertain about how to present herself in a competitive race in a Southern state. She was concerned because she was a woman with a liberal platform. Potential voters might misunderstand her positions. Through six months of in-depth coaching, we found a way for Chris to express her exuberant and heart-felt beliefs honestly, thus capturing the hearts of many voters. Her courage to express herself authentically allowed even conservative voters to sympathize with her viewpoint. Her showing far exceeded projected numbers and polls. She even got more votes than she expected, though she didn't win the race. She said the coaching allowed her to be who she was, and to get her unexpectedly large number of votes.